Rebuilding Stokes & Faraway
The Legacy of the Stokes and Faraway Rooms: A Journey of History and Renewal
For Decades, the Stokes and Faraway rooms have been beloved by guests seeking a unique connection to the past. These rooms are deeply tied to the life of Stokes Evans, the Deetjens maintenance man and woodworker who lived on the property from the 1950s to the 1970s.
The Stokes room served as his living space, where he was known for creating a welcoming and communal atmosphere for the Inn’s staff. The Faraway room was his workshop, where he provided firewood for the guests and crafted the signs and furniture that remain dispersed throughout the Inn today.
After Stokes’ passing in the late 1970s, the building was converted into two guest rooms, allowing visitors to experience a piece of Deetjens history. However, in 2017, severe storms wreaked havoc across California, and the Big Sur region was particularly hit hard. A land slide destroyed the Creek House, and just weeks later, a redwood tree fell on the Stokes building, causing extensive damage
Fast forward to 2022, and after a long process of acquiring permits and rebuilding, the Stokes and Faraway rooms are finally complete. Guests are able to enjoy these historic spaces once more. To celebrate the reconstruction, Deetjen’s is sharing a pictorial gallery documenting the restoration, giving visitors a glimpse into the hard work that has gone into preserving these cherished rooms.
Restoring Deetjen’s 80 year old Waste Water Treatment System: A Commitment to Preservation
For over 80 years, Deetjen’s Big Sur Inn has stood as a testament to Old World charm and rustic elegance, offering a unique retreat for travelers along the breathtaking central California coast. However, maintaining a historic property requires more than aesthetic preservation—it also demands attention to essential infrastructure. One such project at Deetjen’s has been the restoration of its original waste water treatment system, a critical step in ensuring the Inn’s longevity and continued operation.
The waste water treatment system had been serving the Inn since its early days but, decades of use left it in need of modernization. In an effort to preserve the authenticity of Deetjen’s while meeting health and environmental standards, restoration of the system became a priority. Undertaking this work was no small task. Great care had to be taken to honor the historical integrity of the property, all while upgrading it to sustain the next generation of guests.
During their lifetime, the Deetjens created a place where visitors could retreat from the modern world and reconnect with nature in a timeless setting. By addressing the aging infrastructure, the Inn can continue to offer an authentic experience without compromising on the comfort and safety of its guests. The newly restored waste water treatment system ensures that Deetjen’s can continue to welcome guests into this peaceful refuge for many years, all while maintaining its historical character and charm.
As Deetjen’s continues its preservation efforts, this restoration marks a significant milestone in its ongoing commitment to maintaining the Inn as a beloved landmark. It’s not just about preserving the past, but also about securing the future—so that the unique spirit of Deetjen’s can be shared with travelers for years to come.